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Are you ready to Set your SOUL ON FIRE?


Welcome home my love, I know you are here because you have done all the things, a high-achieving, driven, successful women and mother, yet the part of your soul yearning for deeper fulfillment lingers within you… It’s time for you to set your Soul On Fire, this incredible mastermind has been meticulously crafted for you, the woman who craves not just success but a life set ablaze with purpose and ignited from the inside out!

Life is too short to be bored, overwhelmed or waiting...













Transform Your Success Into Soulful Fulfillment - A 6- Month Journey For Courageous Women Ready to Ignite Their Lives. 

Are You Ready to...

  • Clear the Debris: Release the stories, beliefs, and blocks holding you back.
  • Discover Your Truth: Uncover the authentic desires burning in your heart and your untainted truth.
  • Practice with Purpose: Take massive action, anchored in your truth, and watch your life transform.
  • Build the dream business/ career path thas has been tugging on your for what feels like eternity
  • Move through life with pleasure and ease


Then keep reading my love… 


This is not your average mastermind. Through my own studies and holistic journey to setting my soul on fire I have crafted a specific method to bring you into your zone of genius and completely lit up with life. 


Over the 6 months we will be diving into different areas of your life ensuring nothing gets left behind. By focusing on the BIG scary things first together we build the energetic body that can hold what you are calling in and create an entirely new paradigm together.

Here's how it looks......

Ignite My Soul Now


As an added bonus, you have access to IAMA. A program focused on detoxing the body, nourishing your mind, body and soul as well as truly distressing. Begin to feel your best with increased energy, aliveness, and nourishing the parts of you that have been working hard. 


Explore your energetics and beliefs & Find Your Currency - Transform your relationship with money and abundance.


Desires & Big Action - Align your business goals with your true desires. Plan, ignite, and take massive action.


Uncover Beliefs & Rituals for Reverence - Infuse your life with sacred practices and connect with your true self.


Clear those parts of you that have been hurt or are holding on to the past. Learn and take action in uncovering your values, standards and boundaries - Foster meaningful connections with yourself and others.


Clear & Invite Joy - Rediscover joy even in life's struggles. Before you receive what you want, you must experience what you HAVE.

Each module is carefully crafted and personified to guide you toward the soulful fulfillment you crave.


Here is a brief insight into what you will learn in the next 6 months. 

  1. How to be bigger than your circumstances. 
  2. How to heal your body and nervous system through food with our detox protocol. 
  3. Learn about finance management and how money is only one form of energy currency you exchange every day.
  4. Learn how to set up a business or enhance the business you have/ are working in. We go through energetics as well as tools.
  5. Regardless of religion, learn how to deepen your spiritual practice and live a life of reverence. 
  6. Learn about spiritual hygiene and how to respect your essence with energy exchanges including sex. 
  7. Learn how to clearly communicate in relationships. 
  8. Learn how to deepen the relationship with yourself and call in your tribe of people. 
  9. Learn how to amplify the joy in your life, so you wake up with deep gratitude and anticipation for the life you live. 
  10. Learn how to find joy in the various seasons of life. 
  11. AMPLIFY pleasure. 



  • Bi-weekly Intimate group coaching calls 
  • Monthly masterclasses (yes these are separate to the coaching calls) 
  • Practical and easy tasks to elevate every area of your life
  • Detailed protocols and workbooks for you to deepen your studies
  • Ongoing Marco polo access to have your daily questions answered (BY ME DIRECTLY) 
  • Bi-weekly calls with your buddy


If you’re ready to say yes now, do it! 


Most would describe me as a mother,  Breathwork & Meditation Practitioner, Integrative Health Practitioner, and small business owner. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

I know what it feels like to have a tiny flame in your stomach. To know that you are meant to be doing more, that something is calling. I also know how to ignite that tiny flame into a flame that becomes your backbone, that carries you through opportunities you never thought was possible. A flame that ignites your soul and sets your world ablaze. 


 You're an Ambitious Male or Female:

  • If you're seeking transformative growth in the prime of your life, 'Soul On Fire' is tailored for your journey.

Yearning for Inner Ignition:

  • If you feel a deep desire to ignite your inner spark, clarify your purpose, and embrace a soulful life, this masterclass resonates with your aspirations.

Ready for Conscious Evolution:

  • If you're prepared to engage in conscious cleansing, uncover the truth within, and practice purposeful rituals for lasting transformation, 'Soul On Fire' is your path.

Seeking Holistic Self-Discovery:

  • If you crave a holistic approach to self-discovery, touching on body, spirituality, relationships, finance, business, and joy, this masterclass aligns with your multifaceted desires.

Eager to Break Free:

  • If you're ready to break free from limiting beliefs, step boldly into your desires, and take massive action, 'Soul On Fire' is the catalyst for your fearless evolution.

Aiming for Conscious Parenting:

  • If you're a parent looking to enhance your conscious parenting skills and nurture your inner child, the insights from this masterclass will resonate deeply.

Passionate About Nervous System Health:

  • If you're passionate about understanding and supporting your nervous system for overall well-being, 'Soul On Fire' provides essential education and tips.

Desiring Emotional Awareness:

  • If you yearn for increased mindfulness and emotional awareness in your life, this masterclass will guide you on a journey of self-reflection and growth.

Ready to Thrive in Relationships:

  • If you're seeking tools to clear and strengthen your relationships, both with yourself and others, 'Soul On Fire' offers valuable insights.

Financial and Business Alignment:

  • If you're ready to explore the energetics and beliefs around finances, find your currency, and align your business with your deepest desires, this masterclass is designed for you.

Committed to Your Soul's Awakening:

  • If you're committed to the awakening of your soul, dedicated to your personal growth, and eager to thrive, 'Soul On Fire' is the sacred space where your journey unfolds.

If you resonate with these points, 'Soul On Fire' is not just a masterclass; it's your transformative companion on the path to a purposeful and ignited life.


This Masterclass is NOT for you if: 

  • You refuse to take responsibility for your own health and life 
  • You don’t have any plans of setting your soul on fire 
  • You don’t take action 
  • You’re not coachable

6 Month Masterclass


Paid In Full

  • Bi-Weekly Coaching Calls
  • Marco Polo Access
  • Accountability Buddies
  • Monthly Masterclasses
  • IAMA App
  • Weekly Content, Tools and Resources
  • Personal Transformation

6 Month Masterclass

$300 deposit

Payment Plans: 6x monthly payments of $949

  • Bi-Weekly Coaching Calls
  • Marco Polo Access
  • Accountability Buddies
  • Monthly Masterclasses
  • IAMA App
  • Weekly Content, Tools and Resources
  • Personal Transformation


Embark on the journey to set your soul on fire. Unleash the radiant, purposeful woman within you.

If you would like to find out more if this is the right program, and if i am the right mentor for you, then lets have a chat.


Book A Call


If you aren’t completely satisfied with your Soul On Fire Masterclass, let us know within the first 14-days for a full refund. No questions asked.